Black Friday and Cyber Monday will soon be upon on, a long extended weekend of savings, discounts, and shopping. So is your business' marketing prepared to take full advantage of the holidays?

With time being short, get in touch with an experienced PPC Advertising agency such as PPC Junkies PPC in London to make sure your PPC is sorted in time for Black Friday, after all it's only weeks away

Black Friday & Cyber Monday, What Are They?

The Friday after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday, with the following Monday being known as Cyber Monday. In previous years, brick & mortar retail stores would have their deals on the Friday, whereas eCommerce and online shopping would provide their discounts on the Monday, however nowadays, the two have somewhat merged into a long weekend of sales and discounts, often called something like Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale or The Black Friday Weekend.

How Did It Start?

The name Black Friday originates from the 1960sin Philadelphia when streets were heavily congested filled with both vehiclesand pedestrians. This congestion led to the event being known as Black Friday,however nowadays the historical event Black Friday has been overshadowed by thecurrent day event with highly discounted products and thousands of peopleshopping.

Why Should You Talk To A Team Of Digital MarketingExperts?

Whilst themajority of Black Friday popularity is in the United States, over the pond herein the United Kingdom, many physical stores will be hosting their own in storesales and discounts'. However, whilst lots of shoppers will likely visit theirlocal high street to take advantage of deals, many others will prefer to stayindoors, and shop online using their phone, laptop, or desktop computer. Afterall, it can get very chilly this time of year.

If you want tocreate a PPC advertising campaign to target Black Friday & Cyber Mondayshoppers, it’s very important that you get in touch with a team of digitalmarketing experts. After all, with this being such a critical time of year forretail businesses, it is essential that your marketing is spot on as it’s avery competitive season.

PPC is one of the most powerful forms of direct response advertising.It allows you to attract highly targeted prospects through very specifickeywords. However, it can be tricky for those not experienced with themanagement systems to effectively manage an advertising campaign. During othertimes of the year, signing up to a PPC training course is a superb idea,however with the high competitive nature of the Black Friday holiday season,it’s much more advantageous to consult the advice and assistance of a skilledprofessional who can provide expert keyword research, in depth reviews ofanalytics, and provide monitoring of the account.

PPC Management Services From PPC Junkies

Simply put, if you're looking for digital marketing experts to help manage your Pay Per Click advertising campaigns, the PPC Junkies team of PPC Marketing experts are the ideal choice.

We've been managing successful PPC campaigns for over 10 years so we really know what we're doing.By working with us you get the best possible bang for your buck. We have a deep knowledge of the inner workings of AdWords and Quality Score, so by combining this knowledge with our hard work and passion, we can increase click through rates, lower cost per acquisition and increase return on investment. Our team has a proven track record. In the past, we have been able to increase click through rates for existing AdWords users by 35-60%. This includes some clients who have previously worked with other well-known PPC agencies in the past.

Here at PPCJunkies, we focus 100% on PPC management. We’re a team of specialists who knowthe ins and outs of the Pay Per Click advertising world. We have what it takesto high volumes of well-qualified traffic to your website, after all PPC is avery powerful marketing tool and at this time of year it is essential that yourbusiness makes the most out of the opportunities available.

PPC Junkies; The PPCExperts

At PPC Junkies we are dedicated to helping our clients maximise theirreturn on investment. Our expertise gives you back control of your ad spend anddrives prospects to your website in a cost effective way. We are a PPC London agency that wantsall of our clients to benefit from our intelligent and analytical approach to apay per click advertising campaign.

Interested? Call Our Friendly Team Today!

If you would like to speak to our friendly and dedicated team of experts, you can call us on  0118 380 0204. Our team will be happy to help you with your enquiry, providing you with additional information regarding our PPC services.

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