Google AdWords Agency in East Ham

If you are a business in East Ham or Ceredigion looking to promote your products and services you can't afford not to undertake in some form of paid advertising. Google's AdWords or Pay Per Click (PPC) model has a vital role to play in today's online marketing mix given its unquestionable ability to put your message (advert) in front of a targeted audience interested in what you have to offer.

However, it is also affectionately known in the industry as a "stupidity tax"; set your campaign up incorrectly and watch your budget run dry in no time. We see many companies have experienced this first hand and simply given up on PPC advertising due to the method of execution or outsourcing to an agency that didn't quite "get it".

Google AdWords Agency in East Ham

Pay Per Click Management and Audit

  1. Our no-nonsense approach to Google AdWords. Whether you are new to PPC or have an existing campaign running our first priority is to work with you to find out your goals/objectives, offering and target audience. From there we move on to reviewing your existing campaign, if you have one, and it's performance - we look at several metrics to grade your AdWords account to determine how effective it is. Finally, we'll suggest an optimal campaign structure, or revisions to an existing campaign, given your budget or ad spend.
  2. PPC Audit Factors We Check. Use of Text Ads on Google Search Network Use of Display Ads, Remarketing on the Google Display Network Implementation of Goal Definitions, Funnels, Google Analytics (GA) Conversion Tracking and Events Click-Through-Rates (CTR), Cost Per Click (CPC), Conversion Rates Ad Text, Copy Relevancy, Banner Design/Call to Action Landing Page Relevancy and Optimisation. In short we'll look to maximise your Quality Score which means you'll get more "bang for your AdWords buck".
  3. Quick Pay Per Click Wins.  If your budget is limited and you supply your products and services to local businesses in and around East Ham or further afield in Wales then we'd suggest using geo-targeting on your PPC Campaign, for example you might want to target customers/prospects within a 50 mile radius. Whilst targeting a wider audience might sound appealing it will cost your more and eat into your Ad Spend. PPC Junkies can determine the most cost effective locations based on actual conversions and analytics and feed that back into the campaign. Other tactics we may recommend include date-parting, ad-scheduling, split testing and optimising Ad Groups ensuring your Quality Score is maintained efficiently and is not harmed by poorly performing keyword phases.

Display Advertising and Remarketing

  • Visual Appeal.  One of the most powerful and cost effective means to advertise online is the Google Display Network (GDN). Whilst it is true that click-through-rates (CTRs) are a lot lower on the Display Network when compared to the Google Search Network due to the context in which they are shown, the Display Network offers advertisers new touch points that would not previously have been accessible. With the ability to define the subject matter and even specific websites your adverts are displayed on, the advertiser has a decent amount or control and again budgets can be maximised. In the past, images in the form of banners would have been used however with the advent of responsive mobile "first websites", today's display ads utilise HTML5 for increased flexibility cross-platform and lighter load. Text ads are still applicable to GDN of course.
  • Remarketing (Re-targeting) Ads. Want to catch missed opportunities, un-converted visitors or abandoned baskets? How do they do that? people cry. Those sometimes annoying but devilishly effective banners that follow you around whilst you are surfing the Internet and show you a banner from a website that you've previously.. that's remarketing; and best of all it's not limited to East Ham for that matter. Remarketing to people who've already expressed an interest in your site then allows for subsequent logic to kick in. At PPC Junkies we can set up articulate campaigns that use intelligence to re-target the visitor.

The possibilities with Display Advertising combined with Remarketing are endless and are a true sales and marketing dream. Implemented correctly they will enhance your PPC campaign immensely not to mention boost your bottom line!

Other Paid Advertising Channels

Other Paid Advertising Channels

Whilst we give a lot of focus to Google due to its sheer market share we also offer managed services for other paid advertising channels such as Bing, Yahoo!, YouTube (part of Google), Facebook and Twitter. Facebook in particular offers huge scope to tap into your demographic audience and in many ways provides for better, cheaper targeting if you are a B2C company. For further details please contact our sales team on 0118 380 0204.

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